Little Bird To Go

Little Bird Creative providing budget-friendly graphic design, illustration, copywriting, video content, web design and social media management.

How To

Use Your Toolkit

We’re thrilled that you’ve chosen to purchase one of our Complete Social Media Toolkits. We hope that all of the information included will help you to get the most out of your online presence and will make creating high quality content for social media a far less stressful and time-consuming experience!

So, here’s the nitty gritty bit… You’ve got the toolkit, but how do you actually use it?!

Get Those Social Profiles Branded!

Your toolkit includes profile pictures and banner images for your chosen social media channels, already custom-sized for each platform and ready to be used. So, your first job is to change your profile and banner images, in order to ensure that your branding is clear and uniform across all social platforms.
On Twitter, this is done by clicking the “edit profile” button at the top of your profile page.
How to use your toolkit from Little Bird To Go - example of a Twitter profile header

For Instagram, simply click the “edit profile” button when on your profile page.

How to use your toolkit from Little Bird To Go - example of an Instagram profile header
On Facebook, your banner image is referred to as your “cover photo” and there is a button to edit or change this right beneath the image on your profile. Your profile picture will have a camera button next to it. Clicking this will open a window of options for changing the image.
How to use your toolkit from Little Bird To Go - example of a Facebook cover image
On LinkedIn, in “Super Admin View,” there will be a preview version of your page on the right side of the screen. You can change your profile photo by clicking on “edit page” and then “page info.” To change the cover image behind your profile photo click the pencil icon beside it.
How to use your toolkit from Little Bird To Go - example of a LinkedIn profile
We recommend having the same (or very similar, depending on character limit!) bio on all social media profiles too, so whilst you’re changing images it’s a good idea to make sure your bios are all the same as well!

Using Your Bespoke Social Media Templates

Your new templates are customisable on a variety of platforms, such as Adobe Express and various free software programmes built into most computers, but the platforms we recommend most highly are and particularly as these provide the correct size for social media posts on a variety of different channels. As it is the most user-friendly of the platforms we’ve explored, there is a full guide to using Canva in your toolkit.

Turning your templates into eye-catching social media posts is simple – just add text over the top, add any photos or graphics you’d like to use, play around with the layout until you’re happy and then save the image to your computer, before uploading to your chosen social media platforms. In your toolkit, you’ll find sample posts created using your templates. These can act as a handy guide when designing your first creations!

If you’re still scratching your head, don’t worry. We’ve even created a handy illustration showing you how to turn your templates into a social media masterpiece!

illustration by Little Bird Creative as part of their To Go service providing bespoke, branded social media templates for small businesses and organisations.

The most important thing is to read your toolkit thoroughly and have fun with it. The goal is that your new templates will speed up the content creation process and lead to high-quality, consistent posts across your channels. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!